Welcome class of 2018!

On the 8th August we welcomed our newest recruits to our Concilium team, forming our biggest intake of graduates so far, with 11 joining the ranks of...

Company News
17th August 2018

On the 8th August we welcomed our newest recruits to our Concilium team, forming our biggest intake of graduates so far, with 11 joining the ranks of consultants. All of our new Associate Consultants have, in their first week, had a palpable impact on the office.

Their first day at Concilium was run in the same manner it has been since our CEO, Maduka Okeke, founded the business in 2015, with Managing Partner Richard Ogbogbo providing the Associates their first day of training. The grads were given an overview of Concilium’s history and the journey our business has been on up to this point. Along with an in-depth training into the process of successfully identifying and thoroughly qualifying a candidate.

Due to the increased demand from key clients across the business, coupled with a remarkably mature understanding of the process, the grads have been integrated alongside experienced consultants to assist on live assignments earlier than anticipated. The decision has proved fruitful with all 11 of our graduates making the transition to associate seamlessly and some already seeing great success for their efforts.

Over the course of the week they have had a multitude of training sessions covering all aspects, from the immediate job role and personal career progression to the company culture Maduka has fostered for Concilium. We have been really impressed with their application to date and look forward to watching them grow within the business.

Here’s what our grads had to say about their first week at Concilium…

Abigail Frohwein

“First week at Concilium Search, I can only describe as being thrown in the deep end and learning how to swim with a series of great lifeguards around you”

Bradley Pearce

“My first week at Concilium has gone incredibly quickly! The training has been really useful, and I’ve enjoyed that I’ve been able to make calls and get involved from the first day.

Concilium has supported me massively already and I can’t wait to see what the future holds.”

Darya Liudchyk

“Intense, but thoroughly enjoyable and rewarding first week. I particularly appreciate the positive atmosphere Concilium’s culture forms, supporting learning and career progression.”

Emily Topping

“Concilium Search – one big family where hard work is well and truly rewarded”

Harvey Jackson

“Coming into the first week at Concilium I was both nervous and excited and while the nerves have gone, the excitement for the job remains as strong as ever. I have been put in an excellent team, have learnt lots and am now ready to work hard and make a real impact here.”

Katherine Flynn

“My first week at Concilium Search was fast-paced and exciting. With such a supportive group of people around me, I felt ready to pick up that phone and enjoy the client facing aspect of the job right away! Developing my own candidate base and having that sense of independence was really incredible.”

Lewis Wright

“Wow. My first week at Concilium has been immense. From day one we have been thrown into the deep end – with real vacancies and opportunities to fill - and that has only been a good thing.

My understanding of our core values, beliefs and aspirations has become clearer every day, and my desire to take Concilium as far as possible has and will only increase from hereon in.”

Miles Clarke

“It’s been a rewarding week, coming in and working in a fast paced and challenging environment. There’s been a lot of learning on the job but I’m looking forward to growing within my role and within the business”

Here at Concilium we're all looking forward to watching our newest consultants develop and help to shape our business!

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