Global search & selection for executive roles and interim contracts
Interim Contracts
Securing individuals and teams for interim or project-based hires internationally
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News and updates from Concilium Search
Company News29th April 2021Concilium Search has been selected as a winner of the Queens Award for Enterprise in 2021This award is in recognition of the exceptional performance in the category of International Trade and encapsulates what has been a hugely successful 12 months for Concilium Search, especially considering the ongoing pandemic.
Career Tips17th December 2019Is it time to rethink annual appraisals?Why are we now seeing trends in employers looking for new ways of evaluating their employees?
Pharmaceutical Sector
The vision of Concilium was to build a business that captured the true essence of search and selection whilst redefining how a consultancy practice operates. From inception, we agreed key sustainability indicators which are paramount to the continued growth of our business and its global footprint. These same standards form the basis of our business and ensure that we deliver the very best service achievable for both client and candidate in equal measure.
Maduka Okeke
Founder and CEO